106. Few simple Hacks which can make you a celebrity Youtuber.
What does it take to work successfully as a Youtuber? First, it is the dedication and then it is persistence. These two things work hand in hand. If you want to become a successful YouTuber you have to keep posting videos without caring about whether they will hit the right audience or not. Most of the youtube videos that you will see will tell you that they have arrived at it by an accident. They didn’t know themselves but once something hits the right goal they keep working on it till it becomes massive. The kick is to find that right video. But again, a new question arrives that what is the right kind of content that you should choose to become a successful YouTuber. Googling on the internet will give you lots of options but DON’T read them. You cannot find your calling on the internet. Your calling is inside you and you can only find it thinking about the things that you have done in your life and things that you like doing. Remember, Pewdi...