5. Nothing much is here
It doesn't matter right sometimes whether you meet your past or not. My friend had the same story like me except he got married tot he girl of his dreams but his life wasn't dreamy at all. They both were fighting all the time which eventually led to divorce. I don't know whether it's worth waiting for someone just because it's been written in literature, romantic novels and shown in films. Is it worth to wait for a person and make your life static and stop anyone from entering into it. Sometimes I am thinking that i am extending this way too far. I question myself, why do i want to meet her? May be the only thing i need is closure from her side. Recently another girl messaged me on whatsapp and told me that she is in love with me. She wanted me to reciprocate. I could not. Love cannot be forced. It can happen only despite effort. You make efforts and it is not love. The biggest problems with my mind is that i cannot be in love with same person for very long. M...