104. Kejriwal must Lose.

If you really think that Kejriwal is going to change India, you are wrong. I am not merely issuing a statement, I have my valid reasons.

Don't vote for Kejriwal. This is coming from a converted Kejriwal Fan. I was a Kejriwal fan and I thought he will change the country for good. These days I am not sure what his intentions are but his psychology seems pretty clear. He wants to become great and he sees himself as the messiah and become the savior of people even when they don't need to be saved from anyone. He portrays BJP as evil but till date, BJP and Modi have only done well for India. On the other hand, he feeds people with negativity and doubts about everything BJP does.

He doubts surgical attacks, something the country should be proud of.

He doubts demonitisation, when demonitisation was not about bringing black money, ti was about eliminating black money and forcing people to open bank accounts for transparent transactions.
He never praised Yogi Adityanath for his efforts, instead, he keeps boasting that what Yogi is doing has been done earlier by him.

He runs away from responsibility saying that just because cleaning Delhi does not come under his jurisdiction, they won't do anything about it. But you were goddamn activist first.

He joins hands with every politician just to beat the party in the majority. Earlier it was congress and not it is BJP.

He keeps praising himself but nothing is shown, everything is just his words against truth.

He is obsessed with Modi and now everyone knows it. He is obsessed with Modi because deep down he wants to become enigmatic like Modi but he can't. He cannot beat years of experience and knowledge, not to mention the common sense. He campaigns are similar to Modi and recently he started saying that there is Kejriwal ki Lehar.

BJP portrays Modi's face in the campaign because he is popular but Kejriwal always keeps himself bigger than his party. Manish Sidodia looks like a tortured cousin of Kejriwal.

Kejriwal is living in delusions and the faster he comes out of it, the better. We don't need him to save us. We can save ourselves. Our country is running just fine. There are problems in our country but then which country doesn't. The hope is the biggest factor. Yogi Adityanath for me has brought hope in Indian Politics after Modi. 


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