14. The secret - Law of attraction and why it works.

"The Secret" works. "Law of attraction" works. One has to understand the reason why law of attraction works. Law of attraction works because when you think about something and you are constantly thinking about that thing than that thing starts to fill your mind and unknowingly you start working towards it. Don't think that law of attraction works because you merely think about it, no, the efforts will be made but the efforts will be so much in sync with your mind that you won't feel them. When you think about one thing again and again you start seeing them in every object you see and everything around your life seems like a weapon to use to get it or a ladder to climb and attain it. The secret says the same thing that every motivational speaker, religious books say about mind powers and success but it has a twisted method of doing it which most people don't understand. I didn't know it's effects until i tried them personally.


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