23. One thing that guarantee success.

If i ask you one thing that you think is necessary and is the most vital element of success then you will probably tell me that it is talent, hard work, luck, chance, contacts. You may be right. These are essential and vital elements for success but what is that one thing without which every of these things become meaningless. Well, keep reading because the suspense is not yet getting opened.

My friend worked with Amitabh Bachchan and he asked him about his PR team who he thought was very efficient to which Amitabh Bachchan just laughs and tells him that he does not have a PR team instead he has fixed a slot for himself where he sits for two hours daily to write blogs and submit posts on twitter and facebook. My friend was aghast.

The problem with today's world is that people lose patience very easily. The reason they lose patience very easily is because they are very easily distracted. There is so much distraction around is that it irritates everyone. The phone is continuously ringing, the facebook notifications are popping even though you don't post anything new. Twitter is burping every second with redundant messages. Everybody seems to be enjoying their life when in truth they are just trying to run in sync with the world.

So the one thing that is difficult to afford these days which is a sureshot guarantee to success is Persistence and Discipline.

These are the two sure shot medicines for the fever of your failure. Keep tying , fall but get up and then keep trying.

When i realized that the biggest problem i have is that i am not persistent enough and not disciplined enough i realized that it was because of lack of focus and lack of focus came because i was too afraid to admit what i really wanted in life. I was afraid that if i really desired something good thing in life, it will automatically will get jinxed. One more thing i had to do was cut out distractions. I had to cut down my phone and my facebook which took a lot of my time. I had to cut it off. I had to cut myself off from negative people and negative news. What happened was that the more i  knew about things that were happening around me, more i was changing the directions of my life. I felt that i could have done this or I could have done that but i had to be strict with myself and realize what was it exactly that i needed to be and once decided i had to stick to it. I had to stick to a lot things because sticking is what matters here.

I fail on daily basis and i will tell you the truth, i get demotivated very easily. Every week i have those moments when i feel that everything over, no matter what i do i always fail. I feel all my efforts are going waste. I am really scared of my future. But i had to work hard to prepare myself to program my mind in such a manner that instead of a week, which it used to take to come out of negative zone, now it takes me just hours to come out of it.

More on this will come in the near future. Adios for now. 


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