39. Movie Review : Kaththi - A South Indian Blockbuster starring Joseph Vijay

I watched Kaththi because it intrigued me. Why was the movie such a blockbuster. I was a big fan of Vijay during my college days and I had watched all his films that i could ind on youtube and torrents with subtitles. Subtitles was/are a big limitation for me while watching regional films. I loved his Pokkiri like anything and i watched it way back than Salman's Wanted ever came and became a blockbuster and trend of copying South Indian films started Hindi film industry like virus.

Kaththi is full of flaws and when you will watch the film you will know it. But the beauty of South Indian films is that they are bigger than life full on entertainment that you are ready to forgive them for anything. It is, like any other South Indian film, a hero's film and heroine has nothing to do here. Even Villain appears weak though out the film but you want to see your favorite hero win every time, don't you. The her always has a plan and he executes it with zero faults.

There is nothing new in the story - same hero, same villain, same mistaken identity and use of casual double role like it is a normal thing and a world where everyone is a fool except our hero, who by the way has huge heart towards poor people and no tolerance towards people who carry knife. Yes, in South Indian films, they still carry machete and not guns for some unknown reasons. Their plans is never to kill people with guns instead send hundreds of people to fight with hero. Gun is a boring thing int heir world - one shot and story ends. Composing a fight with slow motion and blower effects is still a big thing there. Between fights, songs, Hero's emotional moments there is somewhere story which does not matter.

You must be thinking that i am making fun of this film but trust me I am not. I enjoyed the film. For a change i don't have to use my mind for watching the film. I don't have to skip any scenes because there are no dulls scenes. I have watched those scenes before and i can watch those scenes again and again with just faces changed. I have seen Ravi Teja, Pawan Kalyan , Blaakrishna, Rajnikant, Surya, Vikram and others doing the same things again and again and i still crave for it.

There is something about regional films which attract me - first, they show heroines in such a way that they look very exquisite and very beautiful and secondly, they are still connected to their roots and their culture, Indian culture always pry into it. I love Indian Culture and i never want to go anywhere else in the world, unlike most of my friends who have fetish for settling abroad, anywhere abroad as far as it is not India.

Vijay gives the same performance as in any other film. I don't consider Vijay a very good actor because he gives very flat reactions but still this guy has some in build charm which makes you fall in love with him. Samantha looks like a goddess, like every other heroine in any other South Indian Film who is innocent and it is she who falls in love with the hero first and proposes to him. South Indian Cinema is still male dominated and heroines still run after heroes which does not happen at all in real life but then nothing that is shown in the film happens in real life anywhere in the world.

I wonder how this film became blockbuster with same story line but i guess it is very interesting. Even if someday i pick a badly rated South Indian film of some top actor and watch it, I could never find the difference between a good film and a bad film. May be my limitation of language bounds my understanding of the film but i love them all.

Watch this because this is another film which will give you bounds of entertainment for three hours.  


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