30. The seminar in which i slept.

I won't name the person but i am just back from a seminar and the seminar was on power of thinking, subconscious mind but during the lectures both my conscious and subconscious mind slept heavy sleep because the man who was giving seminar was giving it like he was teaching kids at fourth class. As per his story, he was an IITan who left his lucrative job, to do these seminars because he wants to change people's life. He was telling the same things that i have been reading for last three years, so one of the reasons why i was sleeping was because I knew what he was telling.
However, I have listened to the same things again and again and I never get bored. Like there is a speaker called Les Brown and he is so energetic and enthusiastic that you feel excited as he you listen to him. Same goes with Tony Robbins who puts all his energy into his seminars. This man in his seminars was actually making everyone sleep. I looked around once to find out and realized that everyone was into bored zone but they were all trying really hard to listen to him. they all felt that they are going to change their lives but i knew it wasn't effecting them. The primary reason was the speaker was unable to convince them with his arguments and there was lack of live and real examples or stories that he should have narrated to make his theories more clear. He was just telling the things as matter of fact and he himself seemed terribly disinterested.
I ran out of there as soon as it got over. But it gave me confidence that i can do my own seminar. I am a thousand times better speaker than him. One more thing happened in the seminar which helped me tremendously and it was that before the seminar was started, one of the ex students of that man asked everyone that how heard about the seminar from facebook, how many heard about it from newspapers and how many heard it from their own friends and the maximum hands that were raised were because of Facebook advertising. That was one of the most important thing i learned from that seminar and it was all i needed at this point i guess.  


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