37. Amitabh Bachchan teaches that greatness is neither talent nor fluke... it's core hard work !!

I love Amitabh Bachchan. Everyone loves Amitabh Bachchan. I know he is a hard working guy. I meet many people everyday who tell me inside stories of film industry, most repeated and asked being, how does actors behave on sets. One of my friends, Raashul Tandon, who worked in Pink with Amitabh Bachchan, he was one of the four boys who play culprit, told me that no one one set was as had working as Amitabh Bachchan. Even during lunch he would go back to his vanity rehearse lines. Piyush Mishra, another co-star of his in the film never worked hard because he had already decided for himself that he is a great actor and would fumble a lot during scenes, but Bachchan would always give one take OK shot. Amitabh Bachchan is very time punctual and I have witnessed that in my real life. He is hard working and you would be surprised to know that he has no PR team to look after his facebook , blog and Twitter accounts, he does that all to himself. He told that himself to My friend Raashul when he tried admiring his PR team for handling his Social network so well. He was surprised too. Bachchan told him that he has fixed his time from 10 to 11:30 daily to work on his social media things and he is very proud of the fact that he has never missed writing a single blog for last five years. He told him that on days when he does not have time to write blogs, he would just write that on blog that due to unavailability of time he is unable to write a blog, but he would take out that time to write that too.

But why the title?? Probably you may have seen the video and understood why i have written this blog. One of my friends, Avinash Dhyani who is also an actor showed me this video. Avinash watches actors interview videos each and every night and next day would give me a summary of what he has watched. He showed me this video and i was blown out of my mind. The CEO did the perfect job of explaining the hard work that Bachchan took behind giving his one speech. No one is perfect in this world and behind every perfection there are efforts and Aamir khan has showed that to us recently with Super success of Dangal.

Never take anything for granted. Do you hard work before your performance, no matter what that performance is. Nothing is fluke in this world. Even BB ki vines wrote somewhere i was reading that he works on his scripts before creating his famous vines. There is no shortcuts to success. Steve jobs worked extensively before his presentations which are still seen again and again though the product has been launched and taken off form the market way long back, but his words still remain there. They are entertaining and they were motivating.

In this video, we see a superstar worth of millions of rupees in his bank account who is considered the greatest actor ever born on Earth, not just by Indians but people all around the world, a man who is in his seventies, when people people make excuse of being too old to do anything and he still goes through such hard work just to give an speech to a bunch of youngsters who are already intimidated by his presence, who are more glad that he is there than by his speech. I mean, the best part is that he has no motivation to be good here, he has already proved himself yet this man refuses to take anything in his life for granted. This is what create greatness. I am trying to inculcate these habits in my life and i hope that soon i will do, till that time I have to work harder than him to become successful.

Watch the video and judge yourself. It is a must watch.


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