43.Why exactly i made this page ??

I accidentally opened my older email id where i went to the sent sections.

One nugget of advice : never go to old sent section of your email ids, you don't know what you are going to find.

I saw some mails and it made me nostalgic. It made me remind my perfect life back in college. No it wasn't perfect actually, this life is much worse so I am remembering that life as a good life. The only thing worth remembering of that time is Shambhavi Mishra. But i have vague memories of her. Recently she is back on Facebook and i pacify my heart looking at her photos. There is nothing much i can do right now. I don't have money and i don't have a house. I am turning 31 this year and my life has nothing in front of me. All my friends are settled and i am still struggling to make my ends meet. Somewhere i am still dependent on my parents for money. I don't ask them for money but it is like, they are my back up. If i lose in this life, at least i have them.

I don't know what happened back in 2010, but it was not good. I lost her and i lost her forever. I couldn't all in love with anyone else ever again. Have you ever met someone who makes such a void in your life that no matter what you do, it never fills up. I have heard so many lectures and seminars and so many people have asked me to to move over the past and live the present, but it is tough, for me it is impossible. I can't fall in love again. She was so perfect and i didn't realize it at that time.

I know I know there is no reason complaining now because nothing can be done now. The only alternative is to get rich. The option of getting her back in life is not there anymore. The only way to ever meet her again is to become so rich and famous that she notices me and looking at my current conditions, it looks like it is going to take some time.

My biggest problem is that i press to hard at things. I never lived an easy life. I had life full of problems that were not even the problems. I just like to have problems so that i can amuse myself. I like problems and the reason being that i never had any real life problems. If i look back, retrospect correctly then i can say that every problem in my life got solved so easily that it is shameful for me to say that i ever had any serious problems in life.

I lived a very comfortable life and i am if not proud then i am not ashamed about it. But the only thing in my otherwise perfect life missing is her. Damn, I would give anything to forget her. It is one of these moments when you want to re live your life again.

Am i making sense. I hope not. Because if i made sense, then it would be worthless to follow  this trail. The whole idea of chasing a failed love is senseless and may be one day the idea of love will fade from my life and i hope it happens soon.


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