53. Definite way to riches.

There is a definite way to become rich and no matter how much you doubt it, it works irrespective of the fact what you think about it. There is an exact science for everything, there are exact ways in which this world works so there has to be a science behind getting rich too. There is a reason why people like Steve jobs, Donald trump, Jordan Belford, who were once rich, becomes bankrupt and get millionaire again within no time. They know something which most people don’t. I am not going to discuss elaborately everything about becoming rich, but only one, and that one makes all the difference and it is the one that sums everything up.

The idea was known to every rich man for ages, Walter Wallace mentions it in his book science of getting rich and Napoleon Hill talks about it in his bestseller “Think and grow rich” and is also the basis for the documentary 'The Secret' which sold millions since its debut. The thing that can make your rich is you.


You must be thinking, this guy is so full of shit. You must be saying to yourself, "like I didn’t know it that I am going to make myself rich".

But ask yourself, did u really know it. Because if you did, why are you dependent on others to become rich, why are you desiring for some miracle to happen overnight, Why you look with begging eyes at people to pay you money, why do you doubt your own plans, why do you think that you cannot do what others can do, why do you always seek alternate reasons for others success, what efforts have you done to become rich. What are you waiting for? Why are you procrastinating? Why are you satisfied with everything? Everyone knows the problem but unfortunately knowing the problem is not the solution. The solution is acting on it. Act happens after thinking and thinking happens when you decide that it is only you in this world who can do this. When you think that you are the only one who can do this, you feel the importance of that work, you feel responsibility towards doing it. Trust in yourself is biggest factor. Think about it again if you think it is that simple. It sounds so simple when I say it is you who can make yourself rich and because it sounds so simple so obvious, you never think about it and when you really think about it, you will realize that all your life you really didn’t think it was you who can make yourself rich.
