71. Twelve Fast Rules For No-Budget Film Making

Here are 12 important rules no low or no-budget Film Making that I have learned while making my own films AMPHIGORI and LASAFOT.  They are based on my personal experiences and have worked for me.

  1. Pick anyone who wants to act for free, observe him and then write a character in your film according to how he actually behaves in real life. 
  2. Shoot in your hometown. There you won't have pay for anything and its more comfortable. You will save yourself from Police, BMC( municipality), Film Unions and Locations charges.
  3. If you have lights, shoot color; if you don't have lights shoot black and white. Black and white looks more classy with contrast and gives you an edge in Film festivals. Also in B/W cost of art direction and location can be easily saved.
  4. Pick any camera to shoot your film, even mobile camera. Technology has really advanced, check out the new Samsung Galaxy which offers 4k resolution, so don't wait. I had made my first film promo on sony cybershot and it looks pretty good. Don't go too much into technical specs, normal audience doesn't care for it.
  5. Don't love your script too much. Always be ready to make changes to it. Whatever location you have got, utilize it to the maximum. Cheat as much as you can and immediately think of solutions. Give roles to whoever offers you money. 
  6. Never and I mean never leave your film half shot or incomplete. There will be terrible fights on set, sometimes with your best friends but they are never long lasting. Throw your ego aside, as at the end of the day it is your film and you are the one you is going to benefit most from it.  Finish your film no matter what.
  7. Never come back with Patchwork. Its terribly difficult to shoot patchwork with no money as crew dismembers and whoever comes back is never motivated to shoot small chunks. Even you will feel lazy and unmotivated to shoot patchwork later.
  8. It's digital so shoot as much as you can without thinking too much. Take all the shots that you have planned, then take whatever else comes to your mind and ask others too if they have some suggestions. It always helps on editing table when you have extra material to play with.
  9. When in pre production, don't think about how you will shoot; when on shoot, don't think about how you will do post- production work or bring finances; when doing post production work, don't think about how you are going to release your film. Take one step at a time and don't overjump. Most people never make their first film because they start working on things like distribution, recovery or release before even trying to first bring their film to existence. Leave that thing for big market players. It's a low budget film, even if there is no recovery or release who cares. You have just made your first film and you can always release it on Youtube. Think about it !!.
  10. Make up - not needed ;  Songs - too costly ; Choreography and Fight - HAHA ; Art Direction - Do it yourself or bring your girlfriend on set ; Spotboys - don't act like a king, move your ass, you don't need spotboys.
  11. Don't think of becoming greatest director of all time from your first film. Don't keep over expectations. Don't aim for masterpiece. Just think of doing your best and take care of your health. Keep the lowest possible expectations so whatever you will get after that will only make you happy.
  12. Lastly and most importantly, get out of your Damn room or whatever comfort zone you are in and go fucking make a Movie. 
