62. Don’t Read This If You Don’t Want To Be Rich And Successful.

This article is not for those people who have not yet found the secrets of life or have never looked for it. This book is for those who have an immense desire to become millionaire and are ready to do anything for it.

I have tried to refrain using any names or real life examples or references to motivate you or make you believe in the knowledge given in this book. If you are even a little bit cynical about this book, quit now. I will not waste time in convincing you that this book will do miracles for you, which it will, if you follow every word of this book and take it forward with blind faith.

I had lot of content to write but trust me I have tried really hard to make this book as simple and short as possible I can, so that you can read it at one go. If you haven’t cultivated reading habits, it would still be easier for you to read it and finish it within no time.

Read this book as many times as possible. Since it is very short and concise, read it every day if possible. Minimum ten readings are recommended.

Without wasting any more time, let’s get on with it.
First of all, pick a piece of paper and write down ten things that you want to do in your life.
Now that you have done it, read the paper and try to find whether becoming rich is one of them.
If not, either quit this book or make another list. This time mention how much rich you want to get. Mention the exact digits and amount you want to accumulate; will tell you the reason for it later.
Now read that list loudly so that you hear yourself.

After that, crumble that piece of paper and throw it in the basket because that list won’t help you anymore. It has though served its purpose.

Tell me something, can you imagine all the ten things you mentioned in the list; what I mean by imagine is can you make a visual imagery of all the ten things you have jotted down.

Did you write “ I want to be rich guy” or “ I want a nice girlfriend” or “ I want a big house” or I want to lead a happy life” or “ I want to be a good person” or “ I want to keep my kids, parents, family happy” or “ I want to be successful”.

If yes, then that is the reason why you haven’t been successful till now.

“The more specific you are with your wishes and desires, more easily they come true.”

There is a supreme power in this world. Let’s call it God for convenience sake. Suppose it gives you everything you want. Now don’t you think you must tell him exactly what you want in order for him to give it to you instead of just revealing him an abstract idea of it and letting him figure out on its own what you want.

When you go to bank, you tell teller exactly how much money you want to withdraw, you don’t say – give me a good amount of money. You don’t go to an airline ticket counter and ask them to give you a ticket to some nice place. You have to tell the ticket seller your exact destination name in precise words, only then he would be able to issue a ticket.

Then why don’t you apply the same logic when desiring for things that you want.

“Don’t use adjectives to describe your goals. Adjectives don’t work with God.”

In this case, your subconscious mind is your God. Remember how they said that God is inside you, well they were talking about your subconscious mind which is so powerful to grant you your any wish or desire.

God does not have time to deal with your emotions. It grants you everything but it has some protocols and one must follow them to achieve his desires. Just like science, this thing also works within the confines of certain law and language.

“The Law of getting anything from God is to ask what you want instead of assuming it will be given and the language of God is Images, not Hebrew, Sanskrit, English or Greek.”

Mind is very capable to getting everything it wants. Trust me, everything. Miracles happen. The mere reason that you can think of the word miracle and explain it means it happens and exists. If something can happen inside your skull, in your mind, which in itself is a part of this universe then anything that exists within the periphery of your imagination can happen because your brain is also a little universe and a part of this world.

There is a myth about imagination and the myth is that we can imagine anything. It’s not true. We imagine what we see, hear, smell, experience, feel, sense and from the big databases of our DNA that has been passed to us when we were born. So, don’t be too proud of your imagination because it is very limited. Anything you are thinking right now is simultaneously been thought by hundreds of other people at the same time.

Another myth is that thinking is good. Einstein said that his secret is that he thinks a lot. Einstein was right. But Einstein didn’t give you full information. Because thinking anything won’t do you any good. Thinking in a single focused direction is what brings the results. Keeping control of mind thoughts is more important than all the hard work in this world.

Repetition is another important key. Any thought when repeated again and again brings the result. It has always worked without you ever knowing it. Think about the times when you didn’t do your homework and was scared of your school teacher giving you punishment. You were so scared that you were repeatedly thinking about it, and when you reach school, without exception it happened. If that worked for negative thought, it will sure work for positive one.

Our mind works in a particular manner and one must understand its complete working to get ahead in life. First, mind cannot multitask which means you cannot think of two things at the same time. You feel that you are thinking of multiple things at the same time but it is basically thought inflow on alternate levels, which is good as you can always change the direction of your thoughts, even just by singing a song.

“Your mind cannot accommodate two thoughts at the same time.”

Second, mind thinks in images and visuals and does not care about words or what you speak, so words like “good, bad, great” only enhances the image but doesn’t actually create any image. Also, words like “not, never, would, should” never do anything to enhance anything. So, “I will never smoke another cigarette” won’t actually let you stop smoking, it will only increase its intake because your mind will not concentrate on any other words but “cigarette” as it is the only word in the sentence that creates an image. Similarly, the sentence “I don’t want to have an accident” will only lead to accident. Third, your mind is a robot which can be easily fooled without knowing that it is getting fooled. If you lie to your mind again and again and show it a visual about something which hasn’t existed yet, you can convince it that it exists by repeating the same visual again and again, and your mind will unconsciously lead you to a situation which will make it happen. A lie repeated to mind continuously for a long time becomes its truth.

Next most important thing is discipline. Just like repetition of thought matters, similarly repetition of acts matter too. You have to do same thing again and again to become master of it and the motivation to do it again and again comes from repeating it again and again in the mind. Daily chores are very important. The idea of developing habits and discipline is that when certain task are done in small amounts every day, rather in a long stretch of time, it becomes more fruitful, than devoting long time to do same thing in one concentrated single day. To develop the habits of discipline, just pick any random easy habit and do it every day for two months (precisely 66 days as a study proved that it is the minimum time needed for a daily act to turn into a habit) and soon your mind will develop tendencies to do other things continuously in the same habit-developing manner and forming habits will become an easy task.

Next most important thing is failures. Failures are the countdown to success. More failures mean faster success. People think that they never achieved success because they failed but it is not so, they never achieved success because they stopped after the failure. Failures are the most important ingredients of success and without it success can never be achieved. The man who is persistent enough to get easily over failures gets whatever he wants in life. The whole meaning of persistence is failing down and getting up again.

“Never be afraid of failures and Rejections, instead embrace them, the more you get them, the nearer you are to success.”

Think of your life as your girlfriend. When you are chasing her, if she says no, you don’t stop chasing her instead you wait for her to say yes. There is no meaning discussing what happens if she says yes. Meaning thereby, life never says “NO” to you. When someone says no, it is just an indication that you need more desire, persistence and preparation to apply again. Keep applying and you can change the rules of universe. Keep chasing till the life says “YES”.

Human mind has a beautiful faculty of developing reasons, justifications and logics for nearly anything. The biggest enemy of human beings in my opinion is “assumption”. You go to two or three offices for job and when you find there is no job for you so you never move out of your house assuming all other offices too don’t have any job as well. Men have been doing it for ages. That how we came up with religions and superstitions. What we can’t explain we imagine an explanation for it and assume a theory, if it somehow fits the end result, it becomes a common assumption and then a legend. Only if we had the patience to find the truth. People believe what they want to believe and that is how powerful human mind is but believing in wrong things can destroy not just oneself but whole human community. It is very important to choose one’s belief. Some people believe in God because their ancestors believed in it and never question anything. Some people don’t believe in God just in spite of others because they hate everyone who believes in it and they want to deny the existence of God for the heck of it.  Both of them are wrong. Believe in god because it is advantageous. Make good use of God. Use the concept of God to your advantage. It does not matter whether God exists or not as far as it is not harming you and is beneficial to you. God gives you strength that you have someone to take care of you even when no one is there. It gives you a solace of mind. If you don’t believe in God created by other people, create your own God. We cannot picture or imagine our sub conscious mind, so we give it the name of God, map it to any image We want like Jesus, Ganesha, Mohammad and start talking to them. So, use the concept of God to your advantage because it is not God but belief that matters.

Now that we understand the basic concepts, let’s get back to becoming rich.

Follow these ten points precisely in the manner in which they are written. If you are just reading them for the first time and not doing anything or feeling too lazy or tire to follow them then don’t worry, just read them for now. Read the whole book again and again till you are so motivated that one day you pick pen and paper to start working on these steps.

1.     Pick ten sheets of white A4 paper a nice pen.

2.     On top of the sheet write that one thing you want to do, achieve or become in your life. That wish has to be so gratifying that if after that death comes to you, you can cherish it with smile. That ultimate goal has to be that important and that satisfying. Remember there can’t be two things, it only has to be one. Don’t get greedy. If you have hundred things that are important to you, then you have to sacrifice 99 things and pick one thing that matters most. That will be your chief goal. Arnold Schwarzenegger didn’t become body builder and super star actor at the same time. He achieved one, then moved on the another. One thing at a time.

3.     Write ten things that you want to do, achieve or have in next six months, below where you have written your chief goal, and write them in present tense like you already have them.

4.     Write them back to back in ten sheets of paper. Don’t scan or print them. Write them with your bare hands again and again. While writing, keep reading them loud and clear.

5.     Read the paper ten times in the morning as you get up and ten times before sleeping. This step is very important. Also, read it anytime of day whenever you find time to read it.

6.     Don’t do any effort or hard work to attain the goals you have written. Just do whatever comes to your mind but do not consciously start planning to achieve your goals. Don’t think or force yourself to think about the process or plan with which you will achieve it. Just think about the final goals that you have written and imagine yourself in a happy state of receiving them. I hope you have heard about the story of a monkey trying to take peanuts from a glass jar, the harder he tries, more peanuts he tries to take, the more difficult it becomes for him to take his hand out of jar. Smart work is more important than hard work.

7.     It usually takes one month before any signs will start to appear and it takes nearly three months before something concrete happens. So, don’t lose patience or withheld the beliefs in between. The plans to achieve your goals will start coming to your mind. Don’t reject any thought. Every thought is a potential dynamite for success. Work on those plans. You might fail initially, but plan again. It will not be a problem if your plan fails, problem will be if you don’t make a new plan every day after your last plan failed.

8.     Maintain a diary and write everyday how near of your goal you have reached. Also, paste pictures of your goals on one side of the diary. You can easily find pictures of most of your goals on google image. This is also a very necessary step. Keep this diary a secret and don’t show it to anyone.

9.     Don’t tell anyone about your goals until you have achieved them. Talk less and use your observations and listening powers more.

10.  Mail me when you get rich. Repeat the process after six months.

Remember, no one has achieved anything with the speed of lightening. I am not giving you a medicine pill which work for you over night. Getting rich is a process of development of mind faculties and there is a reason why it takes some time to happen. The reason is filtering and screening process of those who do not deserve to be rich, ever. Out of 100 people who will read this book, 20 will discard it outright. Another 20 will read it once and never pick it again. That leave us with 60 people. Of those 60 people, 30 people will lose hope after first week when they won’t see anything happening and feel cheated by the book and resume their old way of life. Out of remaining 30, 20 will achieve some small goal and they will get so much happy about it that they will quit the process as they would already get satisfied with their small victory. Out of remaining ten, 7 will lose hope just before the success is about to meet them. It is another thing that few more days and they would have got it. So out of 100 people only 3 people will become rich. Doesn’t that explain why in a world of billions of people only 3% of the population becomes millionaire and billionaires. I think you got the idea.

Making you rich is least selfish act on behalf of God, Universe or even me. No one except you gains anything by you becoming rich. So, if the thing doesn’t work out, don’t curse anyone because no one gains from your failure. Everything in this world is completely indifferent to your success and failure and no one has anything against you. Anyone who is responsible for you not getting rich is YOU, so mend your ways. If cursing the book, God or anything else would make your rich, then whole population of the earth would have gotten rich.

What you speak is very important too? It changes everything around you and about you too. What you speak defines you and your thought. Don’t think that people are stupid to not understand what is going inside your mind. Not every man can be a great conman to deceive people like that. Never put your thoughts and speech in disharmony. It will create a conflict and will lead back to zero, from where you started. Think of your life like a film screenplay, and your thoughts and talks as dialogues. Everything is audible and nothing is invaluable. What you think or speak matters and it affects your life.

“Talk what you believe and believe what you say.” Seems simple. Read it again and again till you completely understand the grave and deeper meaning of that line. It will bring a miraculous change in your life.

You probably also don’t understand when rich people say that “time is money”. This adage is literally true in every sense. Think of your one hour as 1000 rupees note. Now, would you like to waste one hour of your time cursing someone or gossiping about something or watching meaningless youtube videos. I don’t think so, instead you would like to invest your time into something fruitful.  That fruitful thing will soon convert itself into bundles of money.

So, think of your time as money. Your talks as edited screenplay of films as everything you say matters. And your mind as juicer, whatever fruits or vegetables you put in the juicer of mind, the juice of same fruit or vegetable will come out. 
