90. Movie Review | Doctor Strange : Movie that could have change cinema but don't even came near it !!

My bhabhi likes this film a lot and really really forced me to watch this film. I had it on my system and I was planning to watch it for a long time. I missed watching it in the theater and being a big fan of Benedict Cumberbatch I wanted to watch it on the big screen.

The film again suffers from the same problem that many other films suffer from - characterization. The film focuses too much on the lead character that other characters have literally no role in the film whatsoever. They have forgettable lines and no other character except that of Doctor strange has been developed wisely. The villain Kaecillius seems caricaturish and you don't feel thrills watching him enter or fight. He looks like he can be easily defeated. Frankly, he looks like one of the henchmen of the main villain but not the main villain. Doctor Strange defeats him in his first fight with him when even Doctor's powers have not been fully developed while Kaecillius does not just have more powers, he is the main villain because he s more evolved, imagine how weak he must be.

The film starts with an over confident narcissistic doctor named, of course, Doctor Strange who performs fantastic operations and sometimes does impossible tricks to save patients and is extremely competitive and often derogatory towards other doctors. O yeah, I almost forgot there is Rachel McAdams too disguised as Doctor's lover and she is a doctor too, but let's leave it to that as there is not much for her to do here. Doctor meets an accident and his beloved magical hands from which he did all his operations are bruised too. They are not as confident as before now. Doctor gets frustrated and seeks ways to get his confident hands back and meets an old patient of his who recovered from an almost non-recoverable accident. The man gives him an address in Nepal from where he got cured. The Doctor goes to Nepal to find the person called "Ancient One" who treated that man. The man never gave him the exact address as he said that he has to find him. Finally, he finds the person who could treat him after many jump cuts and a fight scene to spice up the film. The Ancient one turns to be 'she', she tells him to develop the mind powers in a very vague manner and soon, in fact very soon he develops the mind powers and then the villain comes and the fight begins, which ends pretty soon too in a very uninteresting manner.

The problem with the film is that maybe the director wanted to end film little fast and didn't want to waste time in growing the character's graph. The most interesting thing would have been the training process which happens so fast that the whole setup reeked of some conspiracy or nepotism on behalf of Doctor Strange. He was given utmost attention and almost treated like some special one. But that point is never revealed until Doctor Fights with Kaecillius when The ancient one tells him that he has been sent by God to help them all.

The graphics are good as it is a very mainstream film but the problem is that there s too much graphics and the story is very dull. Things happen in very uninteresting manner and things happen too fast. There are unanswered questions and the thrills and suspense that is revealed are so predictable that after a while you just want the film to end.

This is a one time watch and unless they make it's sequel with a better storyline, Doctor Strange will be soo forgotton.
