60. The secret road to success.

Did you ever wonder why there are only few people who get success and that you are not one of them?

Did you ever stop to think what these few people know that you don’t?

Today, I am going to tell you what that one thing is that all these people had which turned them into a winner.

Hard work is the key to success, my teacher said that when I was in class third.

He was wrong.

You may feel that you do all kinds of hard work but still the results have not been in your favor.

Your best friend you had in your junior class who was way far behind you, now earns more and leads a happy life.

People far worse than you had suddenly shot up to rich and fame and you don’t understand why because you are still where you started with few promotions and success to your credit and with a bank balance that looks like a stand up comedian’s act.

So here is one curiosity, are you doing hard work.

Well, my first advice is, stop doing it.

The truth is that you don’t have to work hard. Hard work is a combination of words that is mentioned to describe someone else when they observe them doing it.

It cannot be used to describe oneself, it should not be used to describe oneself.

If you describe your daily life as hard work then it probably means that you are working against your will and that’s why it appears hard to you.  

But if you work day and night and it still doesn’t feel like work to you, then you are on the right track and you are enjoying your life. Tesla and Edison used to work for whole week on their experiments with little sleep but it never felt like hard work to them as they loved what they do.

This is what is commonly known as “finding your calling” . If you love the work that you are doing, it will never be hard work for you. It will not matter whether you haven’t eaten for four days or slept for whole week, it will not be hard work for you if you love what you do.

And if you are doing hard work right now, leave that thing immediately and do something else, go watch an episode of Seinfeld.

You don’t have to work hard but you have to keep working to get successful. The discipline is what is needed more than hard work.

Working daily is more important than working just one day continuously for a long stretch of time and not working for rest of the week.

Stephen King has written more books than you can probably read in your lifetime. He does not write whole day. He just gives four hours daily to write six pages of his novel every morning. That’s it. That’s all it takes for him to become a national best selling author with 7 books on NewYork Times top ten bestsellers simultaneously for many consecutive weeks.

Now coming to the questions that we raised earlier.

What is that one most important ingredient for success. It's -


The ability to fall, but  to get up and start again.

An obnoxious habit of never to accept failures.

People who have achieved success knew what they want to achieve and they would not stop until they will achieve it. Failures were just milestones telling them how far they have reached to the city of success. Napoleon hill, Author of 'Think and Grow rich', one of the most influential author of all time, said that "Every failure contains with it the seed for an equivalent or greater success".

Steve Jobs , Bill Gates, Shahrukh Khan, Jack Maa, Elon musk, Jeff Bezos, Amitabh Bachchan were not looking at the process of what they want to attain. They were looking at the goal. This is the most important thing that you can learn today. Most people fail to go anywhere because they lose hope the moment something wrong happens that doesn’t go in their favor and then they start cursing every belief that they ever had and start something again with new set of beliefs but only to lose them in middle because the beliefs, I am afraid, weren’t that strong.

Persistance my friend is a great virtue. To fall and to get up again is the most important thing.

Most people leave midway to success because they feel it is a lost cause, what they don’t know is that few more steps and success is just standing to welcome them.

This sounds clichéd but this is very important for you to know. You have heard it everywhere and you have never took it seriously, now is the time to take it in a serious manner.

Let’s keep it short and simple for you if you don’t like preaching. I will give you a mantra or a rule that if followed will guarantee you success.

It is –

Make an adamant goal for yourself, don’t stop until you get it and most importantly don’t think about the process in which you are going to attain it.

Jack Canfield, Author of "Chicken soup for the Soul" explains this very well in an example during one of his lectures. Suppose you are going to Mumbai from New Delhi by road, do you see the entire route from Mumbai to New Delhi.

Exactly, you move as far as you can see the path. The path keeps unfolding to you and you keep moving as path keeps getting visible to you.

The whole path will never be visible to you. It does not mean that New Delhi does not exist. You might not be able to see your goal all the time but you must believe that it is there at the end of the road. Take few steps at a time and have unblemished trust in yourself. Keep your goal in your mind and keep moving.

The path is there and if you move, it will be visible to you. One who seekth is the one who findth. Its not me, it was Jesus, who said it.

Being ready for anything and extreme focus on your goal are the keys for keeping your  motivations intact.

So find your calling, make your plans and get out of your home to make them real. 


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